why native GARDENs?

  • Native plants will attract a diversity of pollinator
    insects, birds and other wildlife by providing
    essential food and shelter.
  • Native plants are better adapted to your soils
    and climate and will require relatively little
    upkeep once established.
  • Creating a home landscape that emphasizes
    native plants will make the world healthier and
    will allow you to to see up close the diversification
    of life that will follow.

pollinator gardens

by integrating native plants into your garden, We will help you add beauty to a home landscape that nourishes and fosters wildlife

“If half of American lawns were replaced with native plants, we would create the equivalent of a 20 million acre Homegrown National Park” 

(Doug Tallamy)

You can turn your yard into a conservation corridor that will provide a much needed wildlife habitat

SHADE GARDENS are beautiful

We will help you choose the plants that are adapted to your site and specific conditions

There are many beautiful and unusual native shade loving plants