control stormwater

  • Native Designs LLC has many years of experience
    in stormwater control management and as NC certified stormwater control measures installer
    and inspector, we are able to properly design,
    build and maintain many of the practices.
  • Homeowners are becoming more aware of stormwater pollution issues. Many are choosing to manage the runoff with rain gardens and other stormwater control measures in their backyard.

rain gardens

We will add beauty to effectively treat stormwater by designing, building and planting a rain garden

Rain gardens can be easily integrated into an existing landscape as a retrofit, or be included in a landscaping design 

To effectively manage stormwater, rain gardens must be accurately sized and properly constructed

pocket wetlands

we will create a shallow marsh that will be an exiting place to observe aquatic life while treating stormwater and reducing localized flooding

The wetland will help removal of pollutants from stormwater runoff through vegetation uptake, retention and settling